The Baseball Desert

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Alive and kickin'

Dear reader,

I thank you for your concern regarding my well-being. Contrary to what the wild rumours out there on the Internet would have you believe, I am not dead, nor hiding from the French tax authorities nor holed up in some remote farm writing the Great English-Baseball-Fan-Living-In-France Novel. I'm just doing the whole 'real life' thing, which involves fun things like work - lots of it.

The only upside to four days at an IT seminar in Brussels at the end of November is that Manny trade talk actually comes as welcome relief, rather than a reason to start wondering about the most effective and least messy way to shoot yourself in the head.

Anyway, my incoherent musngs on what is happening in Red Sox Nation normal service will resume shortly. Stay tuned, as this whole hot stove thing seems to be warming up.

Thanks a lot.