The Baseball Desert

Friday, November 30, 2007

Baseball, old-school

I took a day off work this week to spend some time with my youngest daughter. When asked what she wanted to do she chose - out of all the possibilities that Paris offers - a visit to the Louvre. (To be fair, she has a fascination with all things Egyptian, and wanted to see some tombs and mummies and stuff, so the Louvre was the best place for that. And at least she didn't say she wanted to go see a movie with some talking animals, which was a huge relief to me.)

To get to the Egyptian section, you have to go through the Greek sculptures, and as we did so, my daughter grabbed my sleeve and said: "Papa! Regarde - un baseballeur!"

And sure enough, there indeed was the spitten image of a Kevin Youkilis from centuries ago, right down to the scary facial hair:

Given the hefty, Pedroia-like hack he looks to be launching, this guy is clearly not the Greek God of Walks, but if the Celestial All-Stars are ever in the market for a cleanup hitter, they could do worse than give this guy a tryout.