He said, he said

Tired, Grumpy, Been-Up-All-Night, Saw-This-Coming-A-Mile-Off Iain: Hey, go take your cheery, it's-October-baseball disposition and stick it where the sun don't shine.
RI: The Sox showed great character to claw their way back - they never gave up.
TGBUANSTCAMOI: Yeah, except when they sent Timlin in to pitch. Five stellar scoreless innings from the bullpen and the game ends walk, walk, intentional walk, sac fly.
RI: Well, he did get a couple of horrendous calls.
TGBUANSTCAMOI: He should never have been in there to even get those calls. I'd rather have seen Paul Byrd in there. Shit, I'd rather have seen Sean Casey in there.
RI: C'mon - you're being a little harsh on the guy.
TGBUANSTCAMOI: Harsh?! You think this is harsh? Wait 'til the coffee kicks in and I'll show you harsh. I go to bed at 10 to be up in time for the game. Thanks to our noisy neighbours, I get to sleep at about 11.30. Wake up at 2. Switch on the TV, only to find the cable channels are playing up and I've got a frozen image of a football game from earlier in the evening. Settle for watching the game on the laptop. Sit through five innings of dross from Beckett. Watch the Sox claw their way back into the game. Then, after 5+ hours of baseball, at around 7.15 on a Sunday morning, when any reasonable human being would be tucked up in bed dreaming of café au lait and warm brioche, what do I get? MIKE FREAKIN' TIMLIN, THREE BASE ON BALLS AND A WALK-OFF SAC FLY!
RI: Hmmm...I can kinda see your point.
TGBUANSTCAMOI: You'll see it even clearer if you don't piss off and leave me alone.
RI: So, you're not putting on your happy face for this gorgeous, Indian summer Sunday in Paris?
TGBUANSTCAMOI: Indian summer means sunshine. Sunshine means rays. So, erm, no.
RI: We'll get 'em tomorrow at Fenway.
TGBUANSTCAMOI: Stay well away from me if we don't...
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